The Byrds Journey Travel Blog

Hey, we’re the byrds!

Chances are… we’re just like you! Just two people, looking for ways to pursue our passions in life and make our dreams come true, without letting the 9-5 J-O-B run us down. We found a way to make it happen, and want to share what made our journey possible with the rest of the world!

Similar to many others, my husband Travis and I found ourselves getting burnt out working for other people’s dreams. Travis with a background in turning wrenches (mechanics) and myself in finance, decided to leave those steady worlds behind to take a risk doing what we love... traveling and spending time with our fur babies. Was it scary? YES. Did it pay off? Abso-freaking-lutely.


The Byrds Journey Travel Blog

It all started with an idea. Sitting at the dining room table one Saturday morning after a long, stressful work week.. we looked at each other and decided to make a change. Now, we had joked in the past about selling everything we own (including our 3 bed 2 bath home with 5 acres of beautiful NW Montana land), buying a 5th wheel, and traveling the country. But for some reason, talking about it that morning there was no longer humor in the air. We were serious! So we made a plan. In 30 days, we would have the house on the market, all of our belongings would be sold, and we would replace our home and 9-5s with a 5th wheel and entrepreneurs with big dreams to fulfill. So we put our heads down, and got to work!

These days, we don’t wake up dreading seeing our boss too early on a Monday morning, paying bills we can’t afford, and wishing we could vacation somewhere we’ve never been before. INSTEAD… we get to be in control of our schedules, our finances, and most importantly, our LIFE! The saying “love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life” is the truest statement in human history, I swear.

The Byrds Journey Travel Blog

Dream it

Big things DON’T come to those who wait, like the old adage goes. Big things come to those who wake up every morning with a heart full of passion, a mind full of endless opportunities, and a willpower to turn those opportunities into a reality.

Build it

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of our story is that it’s continued to evolve and the tools we’ve used to get here have evolved with it. We want to share with you the products and resources we’ve used and researched, in hopes to inspire others to live out their dreams like we have!